diciembre 05, 2021

Davide Giri ucciso a New York : l'assassino voleva dimostrare il suo valore alla gang


Articolo di Chiara Pizzimenti Vanity Fair 

Rientrava da un allenamento con la sua squadra di calcio Davide Giri quando è stato aggredito e colpito a morte. Vincent Pinkney, pluripregiudicato in libertà vigilata, lo ha accoltellato allo stomaco. I medici del Mount Sinai-Saint Luke’s Hospital non sono riusciti a salvarlo. Da anni il 30enne italiano viveva a New York a poca distanza da dove è stato colpito, all'angolo tra la 123esima Street West e Amsterdam Avenue, davanti al ristorante italiano Max Soha.

Laureato al Politecnico di Torino, studiava alla Columbia University ed era assistente di un docente alla School of Engineering and Applied Science. Si era specializzato in elettronica alla Tongji University di Shangai e aveva due master, uno conseguito alla University of Illinois, Chicago. Era di Alba. Il padre insegna matematica e fisica al liceo classico nella città delle Langhe, in provincia di Cuneo. La notizia della morte del figlio mentre faceva lezione.


He was returning from training with his football team Davide Giri when he was attacked and fatally shot. Vincent Pinkney, a multiple probation judge, stabbed him in the stomach. Doctors from Mount Sinai-Saint Luke's Hospital were unable to save him. For years, the 30-year-old Italian had lived in New York not far from where he was hit, on the corner of 123rd Street West and Amsterdam Avenue, in front of the Italian restaurant Max Soha.

A graduate of the Polytechnic of Turin, he studied at Columbia University and was a lecturer's assistant at the School of Engineering and Applied Science. He majored in electronics at Shanghai's Tongji University and had two masters, one from the University of Illinois, Chicago. He was from Alba. His father teaches mathematics and physics at the classical high school in the city of the Langhe, in the province of Cuneo. The news of his son's death while he was teaching.

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